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There are no specific symptoms that we can list for HIV/AIDS.

Each symptom of an HIV-infected immune system can look like the symptoms of many other illnesses. They can include drastic weight loss, fevers, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and severe diarrhea, to name just a few. The symptoms tend to last for weeks or months at a time, and do not go away without treatment.

It can take many years after infection by HIV for symptoms to appear. In Canada, it usually takes about 10 years after initial HIV infection until a person develops symptoms. While there may not be symptoms for several years, the immune system is still becoming more and more damaged.

Since AIDS is actually a group of diseases or infections, it involves groups of symptoms. Not everyone with HIV/AIDS has every disease or every symptom. You can even be living with HIV/AIDS and show no symptoms.

If you have symptoms that last for more than two weeks or are severe, seek medical attention. You won't be able to tell if a symptom is HIV/AIDS related until you are tested.

(Source: Based on What You Need to Know about HIV & AIDS. Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange. 2009.)