AIDS Awareness Week is marked every year around the world during the last week of November and concluding on December 1st, World AIDS Day.
AIDS Awareness Week - November 24 to December 1, 2024
WORLD AIDS DAY - December 1, 2024
Local events:
December 1 - World AIDS Day Memorial
Calgary Cares Centre, 2:00pm
December 1 - HIV Testing Clinic
Sheldon Chumir Health Centre (1213 - 4 Street SW), 9:00am - 5:00pm
December 1 - "Sex Positive" Film Screening (followed by panel discussion)
Club Sapien, 1140 - 10 Avenue SW, 7:00pm
The focus of AIDS Awareness Week is to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS, reduce the discrimination faced by those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, and to promote safer sex practices.
AIDS Awareness Week is important to the Calgary community, as it brings to light the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS issues, and the way it causes barriers to effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Fear of discrimination may prevent people from seeking information, treatment and support, or from acknowledging their HIV status.
Currently, there are approximately 60,000 Canadians living with HIV/AIDS and it is estimated that 25% aren't aware of their HIV status. Every day thousands of Canadians still face HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
For more information about World AIDS Day around the globe, visit the offical UN World AIDS Day Campaign website: