I need

On Sunday, September 12th, under wonderfully sunny skies, over 500 walkers participated in the 2010 Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life. On the day of the walk we were able to announce that we had raised $146,000! Donations continue to roll in and we will announce our final total in the coming weeks.

We want to hear your stories! If you have a walk story to share with us, please email us. To view photos from the Walk and other walk-related events, please visit our album on Photobucket. Got photos you want to share? Send them to us and we'll add them to the album.

Funds raised from the AIDS Walk support our HIV/AIDS prevention education, community outreach and support services for people at risk for, living with, and affected by HIV.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the walkers, team captains, sponsors, donors, volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make this a successful Walk!