Every year, a wide variety of individuals, businesses and community groups form teams to participate in the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life. And here's why:
Its fun!
It helps raise money and awareness for a great cause
It's a great way for businesses, community groups or sports teams to gain some public attention, strengthen team relationships between employees or members, and build new networks
What is a Team Captain?
As a Team Captain, you will play an integral role in assisting AIDS Calgary to build a successful awareness and fundraising event.
What does a Team Captain do?
Make announcements at meetings.
Talk to or send e-mails to friends, family, classmates, or co-workers.
Include Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life information in newsletters and company mailboxes.
Hang posters around your school or office.
Host a party.
Ask one person a week to join your team or make a pledge.
Set goals with your team members.
Send your Team members weekly updates on the progress of your team's goals, success stories among your team members, and/or facts on HIV/AIDS.
Check out the team and individual prizes!
Ensure all cheques are made out to AIDS Calgary.
your team at the registration booth.
Turn in all of your team's pledge sheets and money (If for any reason you are unable to attend the Walk, please drop off your pledge sheets and money at the AIDS Calgary office.)
Coordinate team t-shirts / costumes and banners to carry during the Walk.
Have FUN!
For more tips and tricks, download our Team Captain Booklet.