Position Statements |
Euthanasia | |
Medicinal Marijuana | |
HIV & Denialists | |
HIV, Harm Reduction & Intravenous Drug Use | |
HIV in Prisons | |
HIV Testing | |
Recalcitrant Persons with HIV |
Fact Sheets |
Stigma & Discrimination | Employment | |
Rights Based Approach | Housing | |
Human Rights | Accessing Services | |
Disclosure | Filing a Human Rights Complaint |
Sex Work |
Shift Info Card | |
Shift Legal Card | |
Shift Indoor Worker Pamphlet |
Brochures |
AIDS Calgary Agency Brochure | |
Fireman Steve’s Tips on Condom Negotiation | |
What Exactly Does a Volunteer Look Like? | |
What Kind of Volunteer Could You Be? | |
What Do You Know About Me? |