Getting Tested for HIV
Pre and post test counseling is available by drop in, phone or scheduled appointments. Are you unsure of where to go, what to do, or even what to expect from the testing process? We can help guide you through the process of testing.
Newly Diagnosed
Are you newly diagnosed with HIV and aren't sure what to do next? Our Case Managers can help you make sense of your diagnoses. We can answer your questions around basic treatment information, what your rights are, who needs to know your status or even how to talk to your friends and family about your diagnoses.
Long Term Survivor
The needs of a person who has been living with HIV for many years are very different from those who have been recently diagnosed. We are here to assist you with a variety of issues you might be facing such as: strategies to re-enter the workforce, financial crises (emergency financial assistance is available to registered clients of AIDS Calgary through the Greenbough Fund), or referrals to other appropriate agencies.
Affected by HIV/AIDS
We are also a resource for the friends and family of people living with HIV/AIDS. Our hotline is open for calls Monday through Friday and we can answer any questions you might have about transmission or prevention. We can also provide additional information as well as any support you may need.
We can provide counseling and support on a drop in basis, by appointment, on the phone or by outreach to individuals as well as other organizations such as hospitals.